Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tapped In

Tapped In has been one of the most frequent tools we have used in class. We were asked to post or comment at least twice a week. Tapped In has been a great networking tool and a way to get to know the other class and the mentors. It was also great that there were so many different threads with diverse topics so we could choose what we wanted to talk about.

Although this tool had a lot of positive aspects, I personally liked this tool the least, simply because it was a constant commitment. The only Internet tools I used prior to this class were email and Facebook. I check both of those frequently and I think that I have been so used to only using those two that any other similar tool was too much to remember. Sometimes it was frustrating to read Tapped In posts because I did not find anything that sparked my interest. Other times I wanted to post a million times! I loved the folder "Must See" because the videos had important messages for not only teachers, but for everyone. I sent quite a few of the videos to my mom and she said she teared up when she saw the video "Molding Lives, One year can impact a student forever."

Overall I do see how Tapped In is a great tool and it could be a tremendous tool in the classroom. Teachers could connect with other teachers to share videos. Teahcers can also use this tool to keep in contact with other teachers and get ideas and feedback from teachers all around the world. Teachers can also use this tool when they run out of class time and they can ask students to post for homework.

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